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Either completely naked, with fuzz or particially feathered with a little skin showing - they like/need to sit still and sleep. They need external heat to live, eat every 15 to 30 mins from dawn to dusk, a diet that is specific to their species.  They are developing rapidly almost before your eyes! The K-cals, type of food  and warmth is most important for optimin development, ie, beautiful plumage, strong bones and immune system.  Everything counts at this stage.




Freshly hatched and very fragile. Parents almost always feed particular insects the first few days after hatching.   Constant hydrated temperature of 100 degrees is vital, as is the proper fitting in it's nest - feed every 15 mins from sun up to sun down with at least 4 night feedings.  All aspects of care is extremely important..  Without it they parish or will not be releasable. 




These are the hoppers and ones on the ground that attempted to fly from nest by weren't mature enough.  They are feathered, and active- do not need external heat.  The eat about every 40 mins from dusk to dawn specific diets based on the species.  The proper diet is essential as is care and space they occupy.




These adorable little birds have very specific nutritional needs and housing.  Hatchlings  need the saliva of a parent bird to process nutrients.  A lot of information is needed to take in these guys.. they need more than sugar water - they need proteins, pollens and other essentials.




Precocial birds, killdeer, woodcocks, ducks and many other birds that are up and running little balls of fluff after hatching have totally different needs both in husbandry and feeding. If rescued without the proper care they parish quickly. Heat, housing and proper feeding are crucial at the onset of rescue. Doves,  too,  are difficult to feed due to their unique way of getting "crop milk" from their parents. Special instructions and techniques are necessary.




Birds with injuries still need hydration and food - not necessarily water.. so be cautious.  They need supportive care and often  professional care from a recommended vet who works with songbirds.  These birds often need antibiotics asap especially if they had an encounter with a cat!  There's a strick time frame in which the bird can be saved from blood poisoning - Read the Injured Bird page for more info.

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